Children's Books & Other Creative Works by Author-Illustrator Christina Rodriguez-Unalt
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Now Available!
Pedro and the Monster Eaters/ Pedro y los devoradores de monstrous
by Xequina Berbér published by Piñata Books
Reading Age: 5-8 years
Loosely based on the life of artist Pedro Linares, this bilingual picture book for young readers pairs the fascinating origin story of one of Mexico's most well-known folk arts with striking illustrations of the magical creatures. This is a perfect choice for parents and teachers interested in sharing the world of art with their kids.
"...Purchase this book for your library for a variety of reasons – the subject matter, dual language presentation and the beautiful illustrations. Students will be curious to explore more about the artist and the medium after such a wonderful introduction."
-South Sound Book Review Council

Teaching and Activity Guide
discussion questions
paper maché recipe

The Presidents Did What?
by Wag Harrison published by Brandylane Publishers
Reading Age: 5-8 Years
Step right up for a spooky tour of the White House! A long-dead, but still charismatic, Millard Fillmore will serve as your ghostly guide as you make your way through the Executive Mansion. Learn about the history of each room you visit from ghosts of presidents past-arguably the worst presidents in US history. Discover how they ended up there, cursed for all eternity to haunt the rooms of the White House, and find out why it's so important for us to learn from their mistakes.
I Want to be a Bald Eagle
by Thomas Kingsley Troupe published by Capstone Publishers, Inc.
Reading Age: 5-8 Years
Ever wish you could soar like an eagle? Step into Heather's life, as she transforms into the majestic bird. Take flight and learn all about a bald eagle's habitat, body, superpowers, and more—all from a bald eagle's perspective.

A Bailar!/ Let's Dance!
by Judith Ortiz Cofer published by Piñata Books
Reading Age: 5-8 Years
Judith Ortiz Cofer's lyrical text combining English and Spanish is complemented by Christina Ann Rodriguez's vibrant images of the neighborhood's unique characters--viejitos, fruit sellers, boys on skateboards and even babies--reveling in the beat of the music. Families will delight in reading together this warm, energetic look at one community's enjoyment of the sights and sounds of salsa music.
discussion questions
activity guide